: Wow! Toronto Blue Jays 5 - Seattle Mariners 4 What an exciting game for the Jays in Seattle!

: No matter what anyone may say, 12° C, no snow, and thunderstorms in Toronto in February is not …

: You Don't Have To Be Perfect This year for Lent I decided that I would fast during the day. Yesterday that plan was a complete …

: So far 2024 has been just awful for me and my family. I hope that it gets better. I hope that I can …

: Wherever you find yourself today, whatever your circumstances, I wish you the peace, joy, and hope …

: Last night I gave myself an early Christmas present, I finally deleted my twitter account. This …

: Well I have to say that the past few days have been pretty good. One highlight from my days off was …

: Well my work day is complete, and I must say that as far as work days go this one was about as good …

: It seems like now is the time for me to start using Micro.blog more frequently, more intentionally, …

: Happy International Women’s Day everyone. Thank you to all my sisters for your hard work, …

: Happy Valentine’s day to everyone. No matter where we find ourselves in life today, genuine …

: Today on the bird site I unfollowed a bunch of accounts. The second step I took was to remove the …

: Good morning ☕. Today is my first day going bag to work after my vacation. So far it’s not …

: Today was a travel day for me. I’m now back home in Toronto preparing for the coming week. In …

: Another thing that I should mention is that I’ve started using @gluon for most of my …

: After taking a break over Christmas, I’ve decided to give the bird site another chance. But …

: One of the good things about microblogging is that it’s concise, making the posts hopefully …

: To be honest I don’t think that the past 3 years have been very good for many people. Right …

: The blizzard is over. The sun is out now.

: Merry Christmas. I hope that everyone finds a moment to pause with loved ones this holiday season. …

: This photo is from a few days ago, but it sums up what winter is bringing us so far here in Ontario. …

: For those of us in the northern hemisphere today is the shortest day of the year. After the darkness …

: If competitive procrastination was a game or sport, I would be today’s winner. Gonna get to …

: Good morning ☕. Off to a late start today, but still wishing everyone else a great day!

: Good morning World ☕. I hope that everyone has a great week. Be well.

: Wishing all of my friends in the United States a Happy American Thanksgiving today. Hope that you …

: Wishing all of my friends in the United States a Happy American Thanksgiving giving today. Hope that …

: Would anyone be able to please recommend a good insance to join on Mastodon? Thanks.

: Today in the northern hemisphere it is the first day of autumn. Here in Toronto it sure does feel …

: Late night, early morning in the heart of Parkdale.

: Wishing all of my Jewish friends, as well as all those who are celebrating everywhere, a very Happy …

: Today is budget day here in Canada. Let’s hope that there is something in the budget to really …

: It’s been about two months since I’ve been on this site, and in the two minutes that …

: End of day embers here at the lake.

: Sincerely hoping that 2020 - 2021 is really over. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year in …

: Sad to hear today of the passing of Desmond Tutu. At the same time, I’m grateful to have …

: Wishing everyone a peaceful, safe and Merry Christmas.

: Morning walk on a country road.

: Finally, at long last, I have updated my About me page. Hopefully this will give people an idea of …

: If I had an archenemy it would be Procrastination. Right now they’re really winning.

: Tuesday morning walk home.

: Well Thursday September 2 is almost over. Since I seem to be on a bit of a run posting here, …

: With Terrible Tuesday now in the past, I can report that Wednesday is going along just fine. …

: It’s Tuesday, and already the week is turning out terribly. At least, since it’s early, …

: Good morning ☕. Wishing you all a safe and happy week. Have a good day everyone.

: Street view on the way to work.

: Happy Easter. Today Hope lives, and Love wins. Peace be with you all.

: Logging Off of One Aap Good morning to everyone ☕. Yesterday morning I signed out of the twitter app on my phone. This …

: Last night here in Toronto we had our first decent snowfall of the season. Today I’m …

: Good morning ☕. I just want to wish everyone a great day. That’s all for now 🙂. Carry on.

: Good morning ☕. There is the ever faintest dusting of snow here in Parkdale today. So I guess, even …

: 4::25am and wide awake. This is kind of a drag.

: Good morning ☕️ from utc -5. It is looking to be beautiful here today. I hope that it is nice …

: Good morning ☕ and Happy Friday to everyone.

: Just would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I’m thankful that I can do that much.

: The end to an awesome Saturday. Goodnight everyone.

: Despite being a relitively large North American city, there is a remarkable amount of wild life …

: With only two nights off before I have to return to work, there seems to be no sleep in sight for …

: Well another shift is in the books. Thankfully it was uneventful. Of course, it’s very quiet …

: We are all in this together. Apparently there are many people who are very unhappy about that. God …

: Simcoe Day, A Reminder Today in Toronto, the first Monday in August, coinciding with Civic Day is Simcoe Day. John Graves …

: The sunrise this morning was about the most beautiful thing that I’ve seen in a long time. In …

: Good morning. If it isn’t starting out right, I hope that it gets better. Have a good day …

: Good morning. Let’s run right through today, and into the weekend. Have a Happy Friday …

: Given what happened yesterday afternoon over on twitter, I’m glad to be on Micro.blog now. …

: Good morning. I hope that the day only gets better for you from this point on. Have a good day …

: Good morning. Is there such a thing as a midweek stretch? Let’s make the best of where …

: Good morning. I hope that everyone is ready to face the week ahead. Let us all be ready to help …

: Good morning ☕. The weekend is here, and I hope that it grants you space to find yourself again. …

: Moving forward I’m going to be working towards creating a cleaner, simpler, more constructive …

: Thank you to everyone for welcoming me to the community. I’m hopeful that this will provide …

: This is my very first post on Micro.blog. I’m very excited to have a new, hopefully more …